Monday, November 28, 2011

My Left Boob is Bigger Than The Right One.

Alright so um, I was told that statistics show that the left boob is bigger than the right boob. So, it works out because I am right handed. I looked in the mirror and um, yeah. The left boob is bigger, true story. Everytime I look in the mirror now I check to see if they are different. It bothers me. & also Hannah Connor likes ears. The End.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey Day

Theres like this one day, that um, the United States celebrates Thanksgiving. You all um, eat turkey with your family people, and you all get together and get FAT.  You can go to these places and um, like you eat and stuff. #HannahLikesEars

Monday, November 14, 2011

National Spinach and Squash Month

Its that time, and I really love squash and its time to eat it and stuff and like I dont even know why. But like you know. Ohh you know. Ears.vgu no;{P)nmjipn .

Monday, November 7, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

This movie was just about the stupidest movie I have seen in awhile, it's the same as all the other movies. The ending was a guy dying and yeah, i dont even remember half of the movie. Thats how stupid it was.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Costume

The best halloween costume that I ever wore would have to be when I dressed up as a black guy. Everyone looks at you like your weird and yeah. So thats like my favorite costume. Its pretty cool, you know. Ohh you know.