Monday, January 30, 2012


I have tons of experience with photography, I take pictures all the time. Hannah also has experience with photography, she takes pictures of ears. She showed me how. I really do not have any experience. Sorry

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Exam

We took exams last week, and I really do not think that I did very well at all. It does not really matter to me weather we should have exams or not because I have taken exams since sixth grade, so I could care less. I do not think that taking exams is practice for college because I'm pretty sure the exams do not even compare to college exams. The exams we took were very comprehensive, they were not hard what so ever. Also I had a lot of time to study but did not take the time to study because I'm stupid and just do not care.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Two More Days.

Well, like I broke my hand and in two more days I get my cast off. Then I can wash my hand that I havent washed in like 3 weeks. Its like really weird not being able to do anything, and I cannot type any more. This is taking forever.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Break.

Over Christmas break, I did a lot of things. I went to my Aunts, shes like rich and what not. Then I was given a phone, clothes, and candy for Christmas. My hand is still like broken so it is hard to type, so like it would be nice if I still got a good grade for not typing a lot since I put in so much effort into typing this.