Monday, May 14, 2012
Seniors Last Week
So its the seniors last week, and I feel like the year has gone by so fast. I just switched schools and it seems like ive just now met everyone that there is to meet. But now after all that I'm just gonna leave again. I think that I'm going to miss going to school just because i've gone for the last 1235123 years of my life and its really all I know. School keeps me on a schedule and I think after school I'll just do whatever. I don't really want to leave. Sadface.
Monday, May 7, 2012
High school proms are only overrated if you make them overrated. Prom is only as fun as you make it, if you don't think its going to be fun and you do not dance or make it fun then you might think that its overrated. I personally don't think so myself.
I went and it was actually very fun untill they played stupid songs at the end. I would have to say the best part was the limo. I did not goto after prom.
I went and it was actually very fun untill they played stupid songs at the end. I would have to say the best part was the limo. I did not goto after prom.
Monday, April 30, 2012
What is on my mind today?
Well, today all that is on my mind is prom. It's my final year in school and my senior prom is supposed to be the best out of all of them. This year I'm going all out. It's going to be the best prom mostly because we have a limo, and I'm going with like the best person ever. My senior year has been quite fun so far and I hope that it keeps getting better.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Yes, I use facebook just about everyday. I use my facebook account to talk to people and just to see what is going on. Many people just have facebook because its the new thing and everyone is always on it. I think that everyone should be able to have a facebook because its a easy way to interact with your friends all at the same time.
1. You can easily talk to your friends.
2. You can see peoples pictures.
3. You can let people know what you are doing.
1. You can be stalked.
2. Causes a lot of drama among friends.
3. You can become addicted.
Someone cannot really have 500 friends, really its just the people that you know. You do not actually have to be "friends" with that person. You just have to know the person to be facebook friends with them.
1. You can easily talk to your friends.
2. You can see peoples pictures.
3. You can let people know what you are doing.
1. You can be stalked.
2. Causes a lot of drama among friends.
3. You can become addicted.
Someone cannot really have 500 friends, really its just the people that you know. You do not actually have to be "friends" with that person. You just have to know the person to be facebook friends with them.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Nothing is better than
Nothing is better than a blonde girl, they are just like the best thing in the world. Like every girl in the world should just be blonde because its just the best thing ever. Especially Taylor Swift, the best blonde in the world. The end
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Come check out my new pictures ive uploaded to Flickr!

Monday, April 9, 2012
Spring Break
Literally did nothing all, stayed in Adrian and hungout with Stephanie the whole time. Well I did go race go karts one day, but that was about it. And i also made a bomb and accidentally blew a hole in my pool. Ohh on also fractured my hand beating a black kid.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Famous People
If I could meet any famous person in the world, I think I would want to meet Taylor Swift. I would want to meet her alive, so we can get married and have babies. I would want to meet her because shes a hot rich blonde girl, and shes just you know, yeah. That pretty much explains why I want to meet her.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Reading Month
My favorite children's book has to be Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss. It is my favorite book because it talks about cats and hats, my two favorite things in the whole wide world. Nobody read it to me when I was little because I was adopted six times. Most teenagers today do not like to read because there are much better things to be doing. I do not think that you could ever get teenagers to like reading again.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Biggest Pet Peeve
My biggest pet peeve would have to be when someone chews with their mouth open, like I'm pretty sure that everyone knows it bothers other when they do it but still decide to do it. Its just like the most horrible thing ever. Learn to chew with your mouth closed.
Monday, February 27, 2012
What is a bestfriend? A bestfriend is a person that you can have fun with and always has your back when you have a problem. You can talk to them about anything and you are usually with this person like all the time. Your bestfriends usually is almost like part of your family because they arent just your "friend" they are more than that. The type of things that you can look for in a friend would be someone that likes to do the same type of things that you like. Someone that knows how to have fun and that makes you a better person. You really can have hundreds of friends on facebook, because you can consider most of the people that you know your friends, you just might not be close to them.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The week of homecoming was actually really boring, like nobody here really gets into the spirit and dresses up. Its just like another week at school. The mini floats looked like 5th graders made then, and well.. yeah. The pep assembly was really boring, like they need to include the people in the bleachers more. Have like class competitions and things that get the crowd into the mood. I think that the right person got king because he is one of the better seniors in our grade and I do not really think that anyone else deserved it. Overall the school needs to work on homecoming stuff, compared to other schools its really bad.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentines Day
I do not think that the candy industry blows valentines day out of proportion because everyone likes candy and what not. Also I think that it should be a holiday because it gives you things to look forward to during the year, and you can have parties and what not. If you do not have someone special on that holiday then that sucks to be you and you will try extra hard next year. Your Mom and Dad do not count as your valentine! In elementary we always used to give eachother valentines and have a party during class, that was always fun.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Lets see, well the Superbowl sucked because the Giants won when they shouldnt of. Tom Brady sucks because he messes up every play and the receivers lost them the game. Patriots should of won, but they didnt. They also lost me a bet and 5$. Also my stomach fricken hurts because I dont even know. Bye
Monday, January 30, 2012
I have tons of experience with photography, I take pictures all the time. Hannah also has experience with photography, she takes pictures of ears. She showed me how. I really do not have any experience. Sorry
Monday, January 23, 2012
My Exam
We took exams last week, and I really do not think that I did very well at all. It does not really matter to me weather we should have exams or not because I have taken exams since sixth grade, so I could care less. I do not think that taking exams is practice for college because I'm pretty sure the exams do not even compare to college exams. The exams we took were very comprehensive, they were not hard what so ever. Also I had a lot of time to study but did not take the time to study because I'm stupid and just do not care.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Two More Days.
Well, like I broke my hand and in two more days I get my cast off. Then I can wash my hand that I havent washed in like 3 weeks. Its like really weird not being able to do anything, and I cannot type any more. This is taking forever.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Christmas Break.
Over Christmas break, I did a lot of things. I went to my Aunts, shes like rich and what not. Then I was given a phone, clothes, and candy for Christmas. My hand is still like broken so it is hard to type, so like it would be nice if I still got a good grade for not typing a lot since I put in so much effort into typing this.
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