Monday, February 27, 2012
What is a bestfriend? A bestfriend is a person that you can have fun with and always has your back when you have a problem. You can talk to them about anything and you are usually with this person like all the time. Your bestfriends usually is almost like part of your family because they arent just your "friend" they are more than that. The type of things that you can look for in a friend would be someone that likes to do the same type of things that you like. Someone that knows how to have fun and that makes you a better person. You really can have hundreds of friends on facebook, because you can consider most of the people that you know your friends, you just might not be close to them.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The week of homecoming was actually really boring, like nobody here really gets into the spirit and dresses up. Its just like another week at school. The mini floats looked like 5th graders made then, and well.. yeah. The pep assembly was really boring, like they need to include the people in the bleachers more. Have like class competitions and things that get the crowd into the mood. I think that the right person got king because he is one of the better seniors in our grade and I do not really think that anyone else deserved it. Overall the school needs to work on homecoming stuff, compared to other schools its really bad.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentines Day
I do not think that the candy industry blows valentines day out of proportion because everyone likes candy and what not. Also I think that it should be a holiday because it gives you things to look forward to during the year, and you can have parties and what not. If you do not have someone special on that holiday then that sucks to be you and you will try extra hard next year. Your Mom and Dad do not count as your valentine! In elementary we always used to give eachother valentines and have a party during class, that was always fun.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Lets see, well the Superbowl sucked because the Giants won when they shouldnt of. Tom Brady sucks because he messes up every play and the receivers lost them the game. Patriots should of won, but they didnt. They also lost me a bet and 5$. Also my stomach fricken hurts because I dont even know. Bye
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